Leading the Fight for Equality
in Civics in Race in Economics in Justice

The mission of the NAACP is to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons, and to eliminate racial hatred and racial discrimination.

Advocating for Reform

Empowering Change

Moving Equality Forward

Join Us Today!
Membership is the lifeblood of the NAACP. We depend on our partners generosity to insure NAACP independence. We depend upon you to keep the flame of freedom burning bright.
Join the Conversation
When: 3rd Tuesday of each month at 5:30PM
Where: W.C. Young Center 505 S. 8th Street, Paducah, KY

Upcoming Events
General Body Meeting held monthly on 3rd Tuesday at 5:30PM via Zoom. Zoom Meeting Code: 824 1561 8389 Passcode: 547825 General Body Meeting held monthly on 3rd Tuesday at 5:30PM via Zoom. Zoom Meeting Code: 824 1561 8389 Passcode: 547825 General Body Meeting held monthly on 3rd Tuesday at 5:30PM via Zoom. Zoom Meeting Code: 824 1561 8389 Passcode: 547825 General Body Meeting held monthly on 3rd Tuesday at 5:30PM via Zoom. Zoom Meeting Code: 824 1561 8389 Passcode: 547825
Current Officers & Committee Chairs
Executive Board Members
JW Cleary
Benny Heady
Vice President
Corbin Snardon
2nd Vice President
Rev. Jim Gearhart
3rd Vice President
Celeste Emerson
Irhonda Lovelace
Vice Treasurer
Angie Heady
Ida Heady
Vice Secretary
Standing Committees
Chairperson Corbin Snardon
Education Committee
Vacant Chair
Youth Council
Ida Heady
Vacant Chair
Political Action Committee
Vacant Chair
Economic Empowerment Committee
Vacant Chair
ACT-SO Youth Arts
Take Action
Help Us Move Paducah-McCracken County Forward
The work completed by your Paducah-McCracken County NAACP is vital to advancing political, educational, social, and economic equality and eliminating race-based discrimination to ensure the health and well-being of all persons in our community. Every dollar donated helps us in this mission.